Additional configuration

If you are running RHOAM against a cluster which is smaller than the requirements listed above, you should use the IN_PROW variable, otherwise the installation will not complete. If you have a cluster which meets the requirements, this step can be skipped. Please see the table below for other configuration options.

shell script INSTALLATION_TYPE=managed-api IN_PROW=true USE_CLUSTER_STORAGE=<true/false> make deploy/integreatly-rhmi-cr.yml

Variable Options Type Default Details
INSTALLATION_TYPE managed, managed-api or multitenant-managed-api Required managed Manages installation type. managed stands for RHMI. managed-api for RHOAM. multitenant-managed-api for Multitenant RHOAM.
IN_PROW true or false Optional false If true, reduces the number of pods created. Use for small clusters
USE_CLUSTER_STORAGE true or false Optional true If true, installs application to the cloud provider. Otherwise installs to the OpenShift.