End to end (e2e)

If you have RHOAM operator installed using cluster storage (useClusterStorage: true), all AWS tests are being skipped (because all AWS tests would fail). To override this, you can provide an env var BYPASS_STORAGE_TYPE_CHECK=true.

To run E2E tests against a clean OpenShift cluster using operator-sdk, build and push an image to your own quay repo, then run the command below changing the installation type based on which type you are testing:

make test/e2e INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed/managed-api/multitenant-managed-api> OPERATOR_IMAGE=<your/repo/image:tag>

To run E2E tests against an existing RHMI cluster:

make test/functional

To run a single E2E test against a running cluster run the command below where E03 is the start of the test description:

INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed/managed-api/multitenant-managed-api> TEST=E03 make test/e2e/single