Local installation

Ensure that the cluster satisfies minimal requirements: - RHMI (managed): 26 vCPU - RHOAM (managed-api and multitenant-managed-api): 18 vCPU. More details can be found in the service definition under the "Resource Requirements" section

Clone the integreatly-operator

Only if you haven't already cloned. Otherwise, navigate to an existing copy.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/integr8ly
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/integr8ly
git clone https://github.com/integr8ly/integreatly-operator
cd integreatly-operator

Prepare your cluster

If you are working against a fresh cluster it will need to be prepared using the following. Ensure you are logged into a cluster by oc whoami. Include the INSTALLATION_TYPE. See here about this and other optional configuration variables.

INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed/managed-api> make cluster/prepare/local

Run integreatly-operator

Include the INSTALLATION_TYPE if you haven't already exported it. The operator can now be run locally:

INSTALLATION_TYPE=<managed/managed-api/multitenant-managed-api> make code/run

If you want to run the operator from a specific image, you can specify the image and run make cluster/deploy

IMAGE_FORMAT=<image-registry-address> INSTALLATION_TYPE=managed-api  make cluster/deploy

Note: if the operator doesn't find an RHMI cr, it will create one (Name: rhmi/rhoam).

Variable Options Type Default Details
PRODUCT_DECLARATION File path Optional ./products/installation.yaml Specifies how RHOAM install the product operators, either from a local manifest, an index, or an included bundle. Only applicable to RHOAM