Setting Up OBO with RHOAM

This is a work-in-progress guide that details how to create an OBO MonitoringStack CR along with the other required observability components. These components are created and reconciled via the package-operator. Feel free to consult the Epic Brief and Miro Board for the OBO migration if more context is needed.


  1. Provision an OSD cluster either through the GUI or via the ocm CLI
  2. oc login to the cluster from your local machine
  3. Checkout the OBO feature branch
  4. Prepare the cluster for the RHOAM installation by running:
make cluster/prepare/local

Note: This command will also run make cluster/prepare/rhoam-config which will apply a ClusterPackage CR that by default uses this quay config-image. That image contains all the components needed to set up an OBO observability stack - these components are declared in the managed-tenants-bundles repository. 5. Install RHOAM to the cluster using a CatalogSource installation

Access the Prometheus UI

  1. OBO doesn't support the Prometheus UI, however it can still be accessed by setting up port forwarding on your local machine: bash oc port-forward services/prometheus-operated -n redhat-rhoam-operator-observability 9090:9090
  2. The Prometheus UI can be reached by directing your browser to

Access the Alertmanager UI

  1. OBO doesn't support the Alertmanager UI, however it can still be accessed by setting up port forwarding on your local machine: bash oc port-forward services/alertmanager-operated -n redhat-rhoam-operator-observability 9093:9093
  2. The Alertmanager UI can be reached by directing your browser to