3scale guides

This section covers 3scale guides

Creating 3scale backends through CR`s

This guide documents the creation of backends through Custom Resources by CLI and Openshift UI

NOTE: If a backend is created through a CR then update and delete operations should be done through the CR only


  • Created 3scale tenant (in order to get providerAccountRef)
  • At least customer admin permissions to create a backend in your namespace
  • Backends have to be created in the same namespace as the tenant

Create a 3scale backend

  • CLI
  • Create backend CR

    ```sh kubectl apply -f - <<EOF

    apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1 kind: Backend metadata: name: namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: name: "<3scale_Backend_Name>" systemName: "<3scale_Backend_System_Name>" privateBaseURL: "" providerAccountRef: name: EOF ```

  • UI

  • As kubeadmin in the openshift console navigate to Home > Search
  • click on the Resources drop-down menu, search for backend
  • Click on the blue Create Backend button
  • Replace the contents with the following apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1 kind: Backend metadata: name: <CR_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: name: "<3scale_Backend_Name>" systemName: "<3scale_Backend_System_Name>" privateBaseURL: "<PrivateBaseURL>" providerAccountRef: name: <Tenant_Secret_Name>

Sample Values

Variable Example Method Explanation
backend1-sample Set Name of backend CR
<3scale_Backend_Name> backend1 Set Name of backend in 3scale
<3scale_Backend_System_Name> backend Set System name for backend in 3scale
https://api.example.com Set Url for backend
tenant1ref Get Name assigned to <Tenant_Secret_name> during tenant creation , this secret contains the tenant url and access token so we know which tenant the backend should be created in.
<3scale_Tenant_Namespace> 3scale-test Get Has to be the same namespace that was used for tenant creation

Sample CR

apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1
kind: Backend
  name: backend1-sample
  namespace: 3scale-test
  name: "backend1"
  systemName: "backend"
  privateBaseURL: "https://api.example.com"
    name: tenant1ref

Creating 3scale products through CR`s

This guide documents the creation of products through Custom Resources by CLI and Openshift UI

NOTE: If a product is created through a CR then update and delete operations should be done through the CR only


  • Created 3scale tenant (in order to get providerAccountRef)
  • At least customer admin permissions to create a product in your namespace
  • Products have to be created in the same namespace as the tenant

Create a 3scale product

  • CLI
  • Create product CR

    ```sh kubectl apply -f - <<EOF

    apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1 kind: Product metadata: name: namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: name: "<3scale_Product_Name>" providerAccountRef: name: EOF ```

  • UI

  • As kubeadmin in the openshift console navigate to Home > Search
  • click on the Resources drop-down menu, search for product
  • Click on the blue Create Product button
  • Replace the contents with the following apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1 kind: Product metadata: name: <CR_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: name: "<3scale_Product_Name>" providerAccountRef: name: <Tenant_Secret_Name>

Sample Values

Variable Example Method Explanation
product1-sample Set Name of product CR
<3scale_Product_Name> product1 Set Name of product in 3scale
tenant1ref Get Name assigned to <Tenant_Secret_name> during tenant creation, this secret contains the tenant url and access token so we know which tenant the product should be created in.
<3scale_Tenant_Namespace> 3scale-test Get Has to be the same namespace that was used for tenant creation

Sample CR

apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1beta1
kind: Product
  name: product1-sample
  namespace: 3scale-test
  name: "product1"
    name: tenant1ref

Specifying backend in product

To specify a backend usage in a product add the following under product.spec in the product CR

      path: /

Creating 3scale tenants through CR`s

This guide documents the creation of tenants through Custom Resources by CLI and Openshift UI

NOTE: If a tenant is created through a CR then update and delete operations should be done through the CR only


  • At least customer admin permissions to create namespace and tenant in that namespace

Creating namespace for tenant

Create a new namespace for 3scale-tenant

  • CLI sh oc new-project <3scale_Tenant_Namespace>

  • UI

    1. As kubeadmin in the openshift console navigate to Home > Projects
    2. In projects click on the blue Create Project button, fill in the form and create the project

Create passwordCredentialsRef for tenant

Create passwordCredentialsRef to use as a reference in tenant

  • CLI sh oc create secret generic <PassCredRef_Secret_Name> --from-literal=admin_password=<Password> -n <3scale_Tenant_Namespace>

  • UI

    1. As kubeadmin in the openshift console navigate to Workloads > Secrets
    2. Make sure that the project in the top left is the same as the project namespace you created above
    3. In secrets click the blue Create button and select From YAML
    4. Replace the contents with the following apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: <PassCredRef_Secret_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> type: Opaque stringData: admin_password: <Password>

Create a 3scale tenant

  • CLI
  • Retrieve master URL oc get routes -n redhat-rhoam-3scale | grep master

  • Create tenant CR

    ```sh kubectl apply -f - <<EOF

    apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1alpha1 kind: Tenant metadata: name: namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: email: masterCredentialsRef: name: system-seed namespace: redhat-rhoam-3scale organizationName: passwordCredentialsRef: name: namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> systemMasterUrl: https:// tenantSecretRef: name: namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> username: EOF ```

  • UI

  • As kubeadmin in the openshift console navigate to Networking > Routes
  • Make sure that the project in the top left is the same as the project namespace you created in the beggining
  • Find the system master service and copy the location URL
  • Navigate to Home > Search, click on the Resources drop-down menu, search for tenant
  • Click on the blue Create Tenant button
  • Replace the contents with the following apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1alpha1 kind: Tenant metadata: name: <CR_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> spec: email: <Tenant_email> masterCredentialsRef: name: system-seed namespace: redhat-rhoam-3scale organizationName: <Tenant_Org> passwordCredentialsRef: name: <PassCredRef_Secret_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> systemMasterUrl: https://<Master_Url> tenantSecretRef: name: <Tenant_Secret_Name> namespace: <3scale_Tenant_Namespace> username: <Tenant_Username>

Sample Values

Variable Example Method Explanation
<3scale_Tenant_Namespace> "3scale-test" Set Name of namespace which will be used to add tenant,products and backends and necessary secrets
"passcredref" Set Name of secret which will be used as credential reference when creating tenant , secret should contain one key value admin_password:<password>
password Set Password which will be used to login to tenant account
tenant1-sample Set Name of tenant CR
tenant@mail.com Set Email for tenant
tenant1-rrg Set Organization Name for tenant in 3scale
master.apps.pstefans.ooq8.s1.devshift.org Get Master Url for 3scale. This url will be used to create a url for the 3scale tenant.
tenant1ref Set Name of secret which will be automatically created with the tenant url and access token.This secret will be used as a providerAccountRef when creating products and backends.
tenant1 Set Name of tenant in 3scale

Sample CR

apiVersion: capabilities.3scale.net/v1alpha1
kind: Tenant
  name: tenant1-sample
  namespace: 3scale-test
  email: tenant1@mail.com
    name: system-seed
    namespace: 3scale-test
  organizationName: tenant1-org
    name: passcredref
    namespace: 3scale-test
  systemMasterUrl: 'https://master.apps.pstefans.ooq8.s1.devshift.org'
   name: tenant1ref
   namespace: 3scale-test
  username: tenant1

Known Issues

This document will list some of the know issues with Backend, Product and Tenant creation and steps to fix the issue.


Error Reason Fix
In product CR status.conditons : Task failed SyncBackendUsage: Backend SystemName backend1 not found in 3scale backend index Backend was removed through UI and Product CR is still using it in backendUsages Delete the backend CR , remove the backendusages from product spec in the product CR and save the product CR. This will fix the error and delete the backend properly

Validate installation

Use following commands to validate that installation succeeded:

For RHMI (managed): oc get rhmi rhmi -n redhat-rhmi-operator -o json | jq .status.stage

For RHOAM (managed-api): oc get rhmi rhoam -n redhat-rhoam-operator -o json | jq .status.stage

For RHOAM Multitenant (multitenant-managed-api): oc get rhmi rhoam -n sandbox-rhoam-operator -o json | jq .status.stage

Once the installation completed the command wil result in following output:
